We give you more ways to earn, with our exclusive Partner Loyalty Program. Simply register as an Affiliate or IB Partner, or log in to your existing partner account and opt-in to our loyalty rewards programme from your dashboard.
Once activated, our Loyalty Program will enable you to redeem premium prizes at every stage of your referral journey, granted you meet the minimum referral and trading volume requirements.

Join Today to Win Amazing Prizes

A Luxury Supercar
0 Billion Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)
A Luxury Car
0 Billion Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)
A Luxury Motorcycle
Billion Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)
A Luxury Watch
Billion Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)
A Luxurious Trip
Billion Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)
A Laptop
Billion Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)
A Smartphone
Billion Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)
0 Bonus
0 Million Trading Volume
10 New Active Clients (In the last 90 days)

Here's how our Loyalty Program works:

Sign up to become our Partner or sign in
Refer clients with your link to boost your trading volume
Visit your IB page to track your prizes
Get your prize when you reach the targets